Health and Wellbeing

A calming exercise for children who are feeling anxious during this unsettled period of school closure.
A website and blog offering support for those who are feeling anxious during this unsettling period. Support for all of the family.
We are aware that the restrictions put in place due to the threat of Covid-19 can create a range of different emotions, thoughts and feelings in both children and adults so have created a bank of resources to help work through these together. Please take some time to listen, read, watch and talk to your children about how they are feeling and also share with them that they are not alone. We will all have felt anxious, worried and overwhelmed at times and are pleased to support you by sharing resources that can help to work through this.
We think that Isaac is fantastic. Thank you for sharing this video with us.
Isaac is showing us how he prepares to learn. Thinking positive thoughts, getting ready to listen, look, speak and think about new ideas are great instructions to follow to have a successful day of home schooling.