All pupils with an additional need

For all children at Christ Church Primary with an additional need:


  • We use child friendly individual education plans (IEPs) which clearly state the child’s area(s) of need, their targets and the provision and resources to be implemented to support them in meeting the targets set for them.
  • We involve the child, parents or carers and key staff members in the writing, implementing and reviewing of individual education plans.
  • We deliver high quality teaching, differentiating our creative and engaging curriculum and our resources to meet the needs of individual children and to promote pupil progress.
  • We seek support and advice from a range of outside agencies to ensure barriers to success are fully identified and responded to.
  • We operate a graduated response based upon need; assess, plan, do, review.
  • We ensure that there is access to teaching and learning for pupils with SEN that is monitored through the school’s self-evaluation process.  Lessons are as inclusive as possible with adjustments made depending on need.
  • Teaching resources are routinely evaluated to ensure they are accessible to all pupils and key areas are established in classrooms.
  • All school-related activities are evaluated in terms of their positive impact on the learning success and inclusion of pupils with SEN.
  • We ensure that our school activities and trips, as far as possible, are accessible to all our SEN children.
  • Support staff are placed where they are needed throughout the school to ensure pupil progress, independence and value for money.
  • All staff have completed and continued to receive, on-going training in relation to meeting pupils’ needs in the classroom.
  • The SENCO provides informal advice and guidance to staff and staff training/INSET.
  • Support is offered to families and they are signposted to services and organisations which may offer appropriate support or advice via the Newcastle Local Offer.
  • We offer support to all pupils and parents during periods of transition; Nursery to School, Early Years to Key Stage 1, Year 6 to Secondary School.
  • We liaise closely with secondary schools at transition times to ensure that SEN pupil information is clearly communicated and recommendations are heard so that the move to secondary school is as smooth as possible.
  • We work in partnership with parents and carers to meet the needs of individual pupils.

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