Communication and Interaction


Communication and Interaction

This may include;

Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)/ Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)


At Christ Church Primary, we aim to support our pupils with these needs through a range of interventions:

  • Visual timetables to support children to understand what will happen during the day and when.
  •  Highly personalised and differentiated lessons to engage and ensure the breadth of curriculum and experiences.
  • Support during times of stress or anxiety.
  • Social skills support through small group intervention.
  • Personalised life skills program and activities agreed with child/parents and, board games/playground games.
  • Use of Digital Literacy where possible, to reduce barriers to learning and engage.
  • Support or supervision at unstructured times of the day eg break-time and lunchtime where appropriate.
  • Individual incentives and rewards.
  • Resources to support pupils with speech and language difficulties eg. Language for Thinking Program/ word banks/ visual prompts.
  • We follow the ‘Word Aware’ approach from EYFS to Y6.
  • Opportunity to communicate in various ways eg. home/school communication books and British Sign Language.
  • Small group or one-to-one support for developing pupils speech, language and communication following programmes of work provided by outside specialists such as speech and language therapists.
  • Resources to reduce anxiety and promote emotional wellbeing eg. fiddle toy and stress balls.
  • Use of individualised reward systems to promote learning and enhance self-esteem.
  • We have an ongoing commitment to improving access to information for our EAL families. We use for basic translations. 


Here is a link to the National Autistic Society's website- Click here.

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